In this case, no news doesnt neccessarily mean good news. The permanent teeth are in, but giving me problems. For some reason it will not stay tightened. This is not normal, as it should be nice and tight, always, being at the end of all of this. The doctors arent sure what to do with me (as usual). I just keep going in to get it tightened over and over again. It is frustrating and scary to say the least.
They think the issue is the fact I only have one implant on the right, because we lost one in between the far right implant and the middle one. So it is doing all the work for that side of my mouth. Unfortunately, there is not enough bone in the area to put another implant in (my idea) which is why we lost that one in the first place). So you can see why we are at a standstill right now.
Here are a couple of pictures. This one is of my panoramic, you can see all of the metal (titanium bar, and the 4 remaining implants of the 5 they initially put in), as well as the lone implant on the right doing all the work for my entire lower jaw. You can see what the issue is when you see the huge gap, I'm sure:

The permanent bridge before it went in. The metal holes are where they stick the screws through that then screw down onto my implants:

And a belly pic of me at 13 weeks with our last baby, just for posterity, and because I am so excited in the midst of all this anxiety over what's going to happen with my teeth:

I'll keep you guys posted more when I know more about what they are going to do with me. Thank you for remaining my faithful readers!
Good to hear from you, but you're brave going for another baby! Congratulations and I'm glad that seemingly the end is near. I feel like I've been going through some rough stuff post first surgery. Wondering what kind of things God will teach me through the second one. Take care of yourself momma! Praying for healing and success and one day, a "normal" mouth :P whatever that means for us.
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