Today is picture day. I went through my computer and compiled some pics, I will share a few with you here. I have only been in front of the camera a small handful of times since my surgeries, but feel I should do it more as part of my healing.
November of 2004 (I am in the middle):

Pregnant with my son, in Jun of 2005, before my surgeries began:

This is me with my son in Dec of 2005, 5 months after my first big surgery. This was when I was able to wear a denture and felt *ok* about myself still:

My son and I recently; you can see how the bar looks and my chin is mostly just jutting out:

It is getting harder to keep my mouth closed as my bottom lip sinks in with my chin, and it hurts to purse my lips to shut my mouth, its also hard to smile right:

So.....tomorrow.....phew. Big day. Tomorrow is when we will find out if the bone morphogenic protein did its job and whether or not they can begin the process of reconstruction! This is basically D-day for me. I have waited so long. I have tried not to get my hopes up, but I have nowhere left to go BUT up. I have been getting more and more depressed as the days go by. I just don't know how I will react if I dont have enough bone there yet.
Bascially what I have ahead of me is:
1.) Get enough bone for implants.
2.) Implant my lower teeth again.
3.) Put an implant in my chin to fill it back out again.
4.) Injections along my jawline (it has healed crooked, one side higher than the other) to make it even again.
Each step in itself is a couple of surgeries so I am facing most likely 5-7 more surgeries here once they begin. But I am ready....I hope tomorrow is good news. I will let you know.
I will be thinking of you, Tina. You are a beautiful person inside and out! I hope that tomorrow brings nothing but good news...
You are absolutely beautiful! I'll be hoping everything goes well tomorrow, which I know it will. Stay strong!
Tina -
Thank you for sharing your story with us. Yours is a true story of courage and hope. I pray that tomorrow this weight will be lifted from your shoulders. Best of luck to you. I will be thinking about you and praying for you.
Shannon (sdcomer on YYY)
You look beautiful no matter what! I will be thinking of you tomorrow. Good luck and you know where to go if you need to vent!
hugs we all love you. good luck tomorrow. you are a beautiful person and whatever happens never forget that.
aimie (mcphee25)
hugs, tina.
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