Thursday, January 22, 2009

Missing my smile

I cant smile anymore showing my teeth. My bottom teeth sit below my lower lip now due to all the bone loss and when I try to smile, all you can see is my top teeth and my lower lip kinda goes in. It looks goofy. Also, my mouth doesnt move the way it used to when I try to smile, so it just ends up looking more like a grimace than a smile. I have tried and tried but I just cant seem to do it so it looks normal. I am sad because in my wedding pics I will be smiling but not 'really' smiling the way I used to be able to.

I miss my smile. :(


Laura said...

Hey, I am so sorry. Perhaps it will not be as bad. Either way you are getting married this weekend and that is something wonderful.



Just Me said...

Tina you are a beauiful bride. I was in Las Vegas from 1/22-25/2009 on vacation. We missed each other. I will post pictures on my blog.

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